Kalendář nadcházejících akcí
- Pondělí
- 3.
- února
- 18:00
Welcome Packs Packing & PDG Organisers Meeting
—— CZ ——
Ahoj Buddíci a Parťáci!
Přípravy na Orientation week vrcholí, a jejich nezbytnou součástí je balení Welcome packů pro přijíždějící zahraniční studenty. Letos přijede opět několik stovek studentů, a tak se každá pomocná ruka bude hodit.Během příprav také budete mít šanci dozvědět se více o Prague Discovery Game (PDG) – projdeme si pravidla hry a vaši možnou roli v ní. Dozvíte se, jak asistovat soutěžícím týmům, jak si stanoviště přizpůsobit podle svých preferencí a jaké odměny za svou účast získáte. Děkujeme za vaši pomoc
Těšíme se na vás v pondělí 3. února od 18:00 v Pointu!
—— EN ——
Dear Buddies and Parťáks!
Preparations for the Orientation week have already started, and one part of them is preparation of the Welcome packs for foreign students. Several hundreds of students are arriving this semester to study at CTU so each hand is more than welcome for help.Prague Discovery Game (PDG) Organisers Meeting is going to be held during the preparations as well – we'll go over the game rules and your role in it. You’ll discover how to assist the teams, how to customize your station to suit your preferences, and what rewards you’ll receive for your participation while prepping the welcome packs for exchange students. Thanks for your help
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday, February 3rd at 6:00 pm at Point office!
► Detail!
- Sobota
- 8.
- února
- 19:00
Buddy Beer
EN:Hello everyone!We'd like to invite you all to our first event, where you can meet your fellow exchange students and our Buddies!It will take place at Radegastovna Perón (https://maps.app.goo.gl/kvvJrYU9h3z4EiWK8). Come and join us drinking beer and making new friends! We're looking forward to seeing you all there!Important: They have a terminal, but it's possible it won't work. Bring cash if you can!CZ:Zveme vás na první akci, kde můžete potkat své ale i cizí Buddíky a ostatní zahraniční studenty. Bude se konat v Radegastovně Perón (https://maps.app.goo.gl/kvvJrYU9h3z4EiWK8) Ukažme zahraničním studentům, že České pivo je to nejlepší! :DDůležité: Vezměte si prosím s sebou hotovost, kdyby nefungoval terminál.► Detail!
- Pondělí
- 10.
- února
- 13:30
Orientation Week – initial presentation
🎉 Welcome to Prague! 🎉
ℹ️ This is the first event of the Orientation week at CTU in Prague. During this presentation you will learn all the important information about the university, the life in Prague and the Czech Republic, and we will also tell you all the necessary information about the events we in ESN are preparing for the OW and for the rest of the semester.
🕐 The room will be open for you from 13:00 and the presentation itself will start at 13:30, so please, come on time.
Where: Fakulta strojní (Faculty of Mechanical engineering), room T4: D2-256.
👨🎓 Also, do not forget to wear your T-shirt you got as a gift for the registration in the ESN Point office.► Detail!
- Pondělí
- 10.
- února
- 19:00
Tandem Evening
Let’s meet people from all over the world! 🌍
At Tandem Evening you can get to know other exchange students 🤝, find someone to practice languages with 💬 or just chat and have a beer 🍺. It’s also the perfect opportunity to visit ISC Hub, a cool student bar right inside the Masaryk Dormitory building.
ℹ️ The idea of Tandem is to find someone who can teach you their native language and at the same time wants to learn yours. Students from 50 countries have just arrived to CTU, so now is your best chance to try this out. We even created a Tandem database to help you find the ideal language partner. You can sign up at https://esn.cvut.cz/tandem/.
📅 Join us on Monday February 10th at 19:00 in ISC Hub (underground floor of Masaryk Dorm) to see how it works in practice. See you there 👋
► Detail!