ESN Beerpong #4🍺
Wednesday, December 11th, 8pm - 11pm
100 CZK
Beerpong is all set for Wednesday!!!
Free beer for all Erasmus students playing the game!
Hurry up and register to secure your spot! 
Limited Registration: 16 teams, 3-4 people per team. Only the captain of each team should register!
Trophy and Vouchers for the winners!
Even if you're not playing, you're still welcome to join!
we’ll be having Karaoke and party after the Beerpong event set up as well !!
Location - ISC HUB, Masarykova kolej
See you there!
Free beer for all Erasmus students playing the game!

Trophy and Vouchers for the winners!
Even if you're not playing, you're still welcome to join!

See you there!