Survival Guide


Once you arrive, you should obtain following cards:

University ID card

For your University ID card, you can choose from two options:

CTU student card

  • CTU student card
  • Price: for free, in the case of loss, a fee of CZK 230 is charged for a duplicate
  • Serves for:
    • Admission to CTU premises
    • Borrowing books from university libraries
    • Borrowing books from National Technical Library (for a fee)
    • Discount card for CTU buffets and dining halls
    • Confirmation of your student status (e.g. for a public transport season ticket (in Prague only) and for discounts)

CTU student card with ISIC licence

  • CTU student card with ISIC licence
  • Price: CZK 480, in the case of loss, a fee of CZK 230 is charged for a duplicate
  • Covers all services stated above
  • Confirmation of your student status for any public transport ticket in the Czech Republic (i.e. trains and busses around the country)
  • In addition, serves as the only accepted international student identity card in 116 countries and offers many discounts (for further information visit

Where to get it

Identity Card Publishing House

Your personal visit is necessary!

Bring with you your ID or passport, and a passport-sized photo.

Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, entrance B3, Praha 6
See IST CTU website
Opening hours
See IST CTU website

To avoid waiting in a long queue, you can make a reservation for a specific date and time via Electronic reservation system available at IST CTU website.

Unfortunately, the reservation system itself is in Czech only, but here is a quick guide how to make the reservation:

  1. Click on ‘Objednat se na pobočku’
  2. Select
    • ‘první průkaz ČVUT’ if you want the CTU Student Identity Card, or
    • ‘první průkaz ISIC’ if you want the International Student Identity Card with the CTU logo
  3. Pick date and time
  4. Fill in the required fields
    • ‘Jméno a příjmení’ means Given names and Surname
  5. Click on ‘Odeslat objednávku’ to submit the form and create the reservation

Public transportation card

When you're buying seasonal Prague public transport ticket, you have multiple choices how to do it:

Paper version

This is the easiest version, because you can do it right at the airport with the Confirmation of study which is part of your Welcome Pack. It costs CZK 20 (for the ID) and you'll need:

  • Passport photo
  • Confirmation of study (part of Welcome Pack) OR student ID card (both types are valid for this case)
    • If you're 26 or older, you're no longer eglible for student discount, so this is not needed

Then you can just come to any PID cash desk and ask them for student seasonal ticket.

Electronic version

Price: only season ticket price

You can also obtain electronic seasonal ticket on the web.

  1. Create an account at
  2. Upload your photo
    • If you don't do this, your account will be marked as "shared" and the ticket will be more expensive
  3. Add an identifier - it can be your phone, debit/credit card or Lítačka card
  4. Add your ISIC card
    • If you only have CTU card or confirmation of study, you can't use the online store to buy the ticket, you have to go to PID cash desk
    • If you're 26 or older, you're no longer eligible for student discount, so this is not needed
  5. Buy student season ticket
    • If you can't find student seasonal ticket in the store, you may need to go to PID cash desk and buy it there (while presenting your ISIC card and identifier from previous step)

Lítačka card

You can also obtain Lítačka card, which takes around 4 weeks to be made and costs CZK 100 (CZK 50 if ordered on-line). Once you have this card, you can either buy the seasonal ticket on-line, or go to any PID cash desk and buy it there.

Student discount

To obtain a student discount you have to bring, and keep all the time with you, the Confirmation of your student status (the little orange-coloured confirmation document from your Welcome Pack), or your University ID card.

Health insurance card (EHIC)

  • European Health Insurance Card
  • EHIC (= European Health Insurance Card) is for students from the EU, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Iceland
  • Why: you have to show your EHIC card and a special paper from the VZP state insurance organisation to prove you have health insurance cover whenever you visit a doctor or any medical institution.
  • Without this documentation, you have to pay for standard medical care in the Czech Republic and treatment may be refused to you
  • How to get it: Visit and register in VZP (Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna České republiky) at Na Perštýně 6, Prague 1 to obtain an official document providing you the same health service as for local citizens
  • It is important to register without delay.
  • Note: Students not from EU countries are required to have health insurance from an authorized insurance company and the original contract has to be written in the Czech language. You can, usually, arrange this online.