Health care
- International students normally have quite good experience with the ordinary public Czech health care services.
- Usually there is no need to visit a private practice and pay extra for it
- Please inform the International Office (or your faculty contact person) about any health condition that should be notified (e.g. diabetes).
EHIC card

For students from the EU it is necessary to have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with confirmation from VZP (public health insurance system in CR).
See "Cards" to find how to get this confirmation.
Urgent medical treatment
- CZK 90 extra fee
- when you go to the hospital in "ambulance hours" ("Pohotovost/Ambulance") (different for each hospital)
Standard medical care
- must be paid on the spot
- bring cash with you (especially dentists’ treatments are really expensive)
- EHIC card with the confirmation paper covers basic treatments (See "Cards" to find how to get it)
- Double check that the doctor has a contract with VZP (public health insurance system in CR)
- Students from non-EU countries
- required to have health insurance from an authorized insurance company licensed to operate in the Czech Republic
- The original contract has to be written in Czech language (or you have to obtain a certified translation into Czech language).
If you are HIV+ this is how you can take your medication and make your check up in Prague for free. If you don't want to waste your time, follow the next instructions.
Have with you:- Your Czech medical insurance
- Your Czech student card
- An English certification from your home hospital that declare you are HIV+ and the kind of medication you take
- History of your blood tests (always from your home hospital)
- Go to Pavilion 7, you can find on Google map: Budova 7 - Klinika infekčních, parazitárních a tropických nemocí - Nemocnice Na Bulovce
- After that you will talk with a doctor, the nurse will record you in the system
- They will release you a paper that you will bring to the closing pharmacy (pavilion 1)
- You can find the pharmacy on Google maps: Ústavní lékárna Bulovka.
- Address: Budínova 3, 180 00 Praha 8, Cechia.
- Take your drugs and can come back to your room :)
After the first time, just take with you your Czech Insurance (no more), you have to go every month to take your drugs (while Czech people can go every 3 months) and the doctor will decide also when you will take your blood tests.
When:Monday to Friday - 8:00 to 13:00
(The first time go before than 10:30/11:00 because you have to find the HIV department inside the building 7, and you have also to talk with a doctor who will not stay there all the morning. The doctors can speak English, the nurse cannot or not very well).
FOR FAST RECAPPING:- Pavilion 7: Klinika infekčních
- Pavilion 1: Ústavní lékárna Bulovka
NOTE 1: In this hospital you can book for free also tests for other STDs (like Syphilis, Clamidia, Gonorrhea, etc), you can ask to the nurse to book a visit with a dermatologist. For the tests you will go to Pavilion 9: dermatovenereology.
NOTE 2: if you will go by public transport, the closest tram station is BULOVKA.
This is the faster way to reach BULOVKA tram station:
- Take the green metro A, get off in FLORA.
- Exit (Směr): Ohrada - Palmovka
- As you go out, you can wait there the tram n° 10 to Bulovka.
NOTE 3: Use the condom and enjoy Prague!
Thank you, Alex, for this info
Pharmacies near the main campus
- Dr. Max
- Vítězné nám. 13, Praha 6
- nonstop
- Benu
- Vítězné nám. 9, Praha 6
- Mon - Fri: 7:30 - 18:00
- Sat: 8:00 - 14:00
- Dejvická Lékárna
- Dejvická 29, Praha 6
- Mon - Fri: 7:30 - 18:30
- Sat: 8:00 - 12:00
- Pharmacy Student House
- Bechyňova 3, Praha 6
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 16:00
- Dr. Max
- Jugoslávských partyzánů 20, Praha 6
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 18:30
- Issued through the doctor
- Dispensed by any pharmacy
- ou can be asked to pay a share of costs
- Some medicines that you can get over-the-counter in your country may be sold only on prescription here
English speaking medical care
In case of emergency call 112
Motol University Hospital
- Ambulance
- English speaking centre for foreigners ("Cizinecká ambulance")
- Phone: +420 224 438 577
- Address: V Úvalu 84, Praha 5
- You can make an appointment (in order not to spend hours waiting there)
- Office hours
- Mon, Tue, Thu
- 9:00 -16.30
- Wed
- 7:30 - 15:00
- Fri
- 9:00 - 14:00
Military University Hospital Prague – Střešovice
- Information desk (24/7, English speaking): +420 973 208 333 (they will direct you to the right person)
- U Vojenské nemocnice 1200, Praha 6
- Includes also ambulance
- Military University Hospital Prague website
Doctor Prague – Health center Prague
- Vodičkova 699/28, Praha 1 – Nové Město
- Appointments: +420 224 220 040 (Mo–Fri 8:30–17:00)
- 24-hour phones:
- All doctors speak English and many also speak some other foreign language
- For more details visit their website
Helpful vocab
- Ache/pain
- Bolest
- Allergy
- alergie
- Bleeding
- krvácení
- Broken
- zlomený
- Burn
- popálení
- Constipation
- nadýmání
- Cramps
- křeče
- Cough
- kašel
- Diarrhea
- průjem
- Dizziness
- závrať
- Fever
- horečka
- Injury
- úraz
- Nausea
- nevolnost
- Poisoning
- otrava
- Painful
- bolestivý
- Rash
- vyrážka
- Shock
- šok
- Sneezing
- kýchání
- Sunstroke
- úžeh/úpal
- Unconsciousness
- bezvědomí
- Vomiting
- zvracení